
101: (10 weeks)
Solid base knowledge of basic herbs that can be used safely when integrated into the diet of the average horse. This course will help the student understand most of the health problems common to horses and how one can, inexpensively and safely, support the healing of these conditions and maintain health using herbs.



Affiliate Website:

Tuition Fee(s):

$175 per course.


Gwenyth Browning Jones Santagate


 Description:   Learning to support the healing and health maintance of your horse in acute and chronic situations with the use of Herbs

At Penzance we view our horses as our friends, our partners. We respect them; we listen to them; we interact with them. We want only the best for them.

Yet, sometimes life happens. Accidents, acute illnesses, chronic situations and other.

These online courses in Equine Herbs 101 will help you understand just HOW herbs works and how to choose what herbs would be the best fit for your particular horse and situations at the specific time needed.

The use of herbs in medicine goes back thousands of years. Even in the Bible hundreds of herbs are mentioned and suggested for specific uses. Although herbs CAN be used safely and effectively they are STILL MEDICINE ... and very powerful medicine. A solid knowledge of adding herbal blends SAFELY to your horse's diet safely must be established. This course will help the average horseowner expand his or her educationa about Herbal remedies so as to be confident in their use.

This course is not to take the place of the owner's veterinary care but to complement the care being given.

Over 48 years of practical, hands-on experience with horses add to the wealth of information that is offered in this HERB101 course.

The insight gained from these Herbal classes will last a lifetime and filter into other areas of your and your horse's life as well.

It will change your thinking - absolutely and positively.

This course runs for 10 weeks.

 Designed For:

Anyone who wants to learn what horses need to maintain a level of comfort and relative health.


To give you the solid base of understanding needed to determine what herbs might best help the horse through an acute or in a chronic disease situation without jeopardizing the current health plan.

To give a practical knowledge of the basic herbs that can be safely used in an everyday administration.

To understand dis-ease and how it affects everything to do with your horse in a chronic situation and how to PREVENT long-term dis-eases.

To understand the WHOLE horse and how its relative health affects performance.

 Assessment Method:

Participation in online class discussions, weekly and course hands-on projects, essays, reading assignments as well as written journal.  

 Topics of study:

-- History and philosophy of herbal medicine.
-- Indications and contraindications of Equine herbal medicines.
-- How to safely use herbal products.
-- How to formulate herbal recipes.
-- How to make herbal teas and herbal infusions.
-- How to help your horse stay healthy using nourishing herbs.

and More

PLUS -- directions for making Calendula OIL and SALVE for wounds in mini-project.

Course Prerequisites:

Completion of Grade 12 or equivalent,
or at least 18 years of age. (Some exceptions allowed.)


All materials provided online for access at any time.


For more info:

Contact: Gwenyth Santagate
Phone: 508-476-1317